What is Structural Steel Fabrication?

Structural fabrication refers to the cutting, bending, and assembling of steel to make different products. During structural steel fabrication, several pieces of steel are joined to make diverse structures of predetermined sizes and forms for assembly into buildings, industrial equipment, tools, and numerous other final products. Structural steel fabrication is used in the construction of buildings, bridges, vehicle parts, and home appliances.

Structural Steel Fabrication Process

All materials to be checked and identified in accordance with FPCC and manufacturer certificates as per standards & project specifications while receiving at our fabrication shop.

Steel structural fabrication shall meet the clients’ requirement and shall be performed in accordance with the shop fabrication drawings. It will conform with the actual measurements of completed structures to ensure the accuracy of drilled holes and length tolerances to industry code standards.

Welding is carried by our qualified coded fabricators and welders using modern welding machine. 

Upon completion and before painting, non-destructive testing (NDT) is carried out by an independent testing authorities’ qualified inspector in accordance with industry code standards or project specification if applicable.

Our fully trained workforce work hand-in-hand with shop floor management and contract staff to provide a quality product delivered to the clients’ programme requirements.

Fabrication Design

Initially, we will review the project to see if the main frame design has already been carried out, before we proceed with design connections in house. If the main frame needs to be designed, we will look to employ the services of a reputable and experiences-chartered engineers.

All our steel structural fabrication drawings are then prepared from 3D models, using Tekla Structures industry leading modelling software.

The automatic manufacturing data is used for cost and production management, and accurate CAD CAM (manufacturing) files are utilized within our shop floor machines, resulting in an accurate finished product that will be fabricated exactly to the 3D model specifications and dimensions.